Heidi and Steve Benjamin have won the prestigious NYYC Herreschoff Award.
The Herreschoff Medal “is awarded to the yacht which in the opinion of the Race Committee makes the best overall performance in the season’s races in the class selected by the Flag Officers that has shown the most interesting and instructive racing during the season.” The Herreschoff Medal was first awarded in 1926 to the Schooner VANITIE owned by Harry Whitney. The next year to PRESTIGE a Sloop owned by Harold Vanderbilt. In 1937 Harold Vanderbilt was awarded the Medal again with RANGER. SPOOKIE joins several other famous yachts including BOLERO, CASCADE, COURAGEOUS, ARTEMIS, FREEDOM, DRAGON FIRE, CANNONBALL, DRUMBEAT, WHITECAP, CARRONADE, BRIGHT STAR, VIRAGO, IDLER, SFORZANDO, ARETHUSA, RUSH, APPARITION and CARINA. Bob and Farley Towse’s BLUE YANKEE has been awarded the Herreschoff Medal twice – in 2003/4 and 2006 – both Chris and Benj were part of that crew.
The Herreschoff Medal is considered the top award for racing yachts in the Club’s competitions. SPOOKIE’s record included the fastest overall elapsed time in the Around The Island Race and first in NYYC Race Week.
Congratulatins to Heidi Steve and the Team Spookie for yet another fantastic season of winning results.