Our C72 mini maxi is state-of-the art incorporting many innovative features following extensive research over the past 6 months. We are looking fwd to pushing the class to new heights with this design.
Carkeek Design Partners has been working on the application of our HP-IRC concepts R&D in the development and design optimisation of larger IRC maxi racing yachts. When an owner came to us interested in a mini maxi to join the IMA it was an opportunity to apply our in-house performance prediction tools and transfer our knowledge of high performance IRC optimised boats in the lower size range to a bigger platform. The recent development and build of the new C60 for Matt Allen has influenced many of the design decisions on this new multi dimensional race yacht. CDP has pushed the boundaries further than ever to provide the client with even more winning performance possibilities.
This owner intends to compete in all the premium inshore racing events at PalmaVela, Copa Del Ray, and the Maxi Worlds, as well as the offshore events such as the Transpac, Sydney Hobart, and Middle Sea Race, necessitating more than merely a “round the cans” solution. There are also several new boats boats in the 72ft size which will make for tough competition, so along with weather data from these various events, we are assessing their relative performance and design decisions.
Furthermore,CDP is designing and researching a number of hullform families, looking at how various surface detailing such as chines and planing areas affect the numerous trade offs when it comes to balancing power for offshore reaching and heavy air performance, versus height and efficiency upwind as well as light air performance.
At this stage we are also keeping in mind that like the C40, C47 and C60, this will be owner driven, and so the forms and balance characteristics must still be forgiving and easily driven. Lessons already learnt from the deck and structural design of the C60 are being utilised in the layouts and ergonomics onboard with regard to sailing offshore, and we are focusing reducing VCG, maximising stiffness to weight, and minimising windage. Like the TP52 for 2015 we are also developing, we have a number of interesting deck layout features and solutions being modelled.
More information will follow soon.
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